
Children have always been at the heart of Pastor Bill Wilson’s 50 years of ministry. His passionate work for children has changed lives of millions of children around the world! Just this past year, over 250,000 children were reached through Metro World Child’s Operation Holiday Hope. But that’s not all…Metro has also worked with children around the world through sponsorship programs, feeding and education work, mentorship, and more—all in the name of Jesus!


This time isn’t just an exciting mile-marker as a 50th anniversary celebration. This year is when we commemorate Pastor Bill’s 70th birthday, too!

As anyone who knows Pastor Bill could attest, this doesn’t mean he’s interested in settling down and taking it easy. In fact, he believes that there is still a “Mountain of Ministry” ahead of us.


But like any mountain, we can’t climb without a faithful partner—and that means you!

We are getting ready for some exciting times in the coming year, and we want you to come along. Consider one of these special ways to participate.

“Klimbing for Kids” – a climb to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

Join a team of 50 climbers, who are passionate about making a difference in the world! Click below to join the team to Klimb Kilimanjaro for Kids!

Just click the button below to get started!

Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

Fundraise for Pastor Bill’s Birthday

You can choose to help raise money for a special purpose in commemoration of Pastor Bill’s birthday – perhaps by reaching more kids through Sunday School programs, or dedicating a birthday to Pastor Bill. Whatever you might want to do, you set the goal, and ask your friends and family to contribute. It’s easy! We can help. Just click the button below to get started.

Help celebrate Pastor Bill’s accomplishments by raising funds for kids